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Stand Up for Grain Safety Week Coming

April 13-17 will focus on small changes with big impact

Stand Up 2020 grain safety

Because everyone deserves to go home from work each day, we have come together as an industry to take a stand for safety.

The National Stand Up for Grain Safety Week sponsored by the Alliance, a collaboration of agricultural industry groups, provides a collective industry focus on and commitment to safety.

Small Changes, Big Impact! Every year hundreds of employees are injured or die from preventable hazards while working in grain storage and handling. Safety doesn't need to be big to be effective.

This year commit to safety by making small changes in the workplace or how tasks are performed to make a positive safety impact.

To help with this commitment to safety, NGFA and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will host the annual safety outreach effort, Stand Up for Grain Safety Week, from April 13-17.

The event helps raise awareness about grain handling and storage hazards, provides education and training, and conveys best safety practices.

The event is made possible through the NGFA-OSHA Alliance, which facilitates cooperation and communication between the regulatory agency and the grain, feed, processing and export industry.

The Grain Elevator and Processing Society and Grain Handling Safety Coalition are partnering with NGFA and OSHA in the national outreach effort.

During Stand Up for Grain Safety Week, companies can participate by providing a focused activity and/or toolbox talk on any prevention measure.

NGFA will issue daily training guides throughout the week and share updates on social media with #StandUp4GrainSafety.

For more resources and information, visit


Step 1: Host an in-house Kick Off
Host an in-house Kick Off on April 13 to start the Stand Up Week. Resources for a kick off are available here.

Step 2: Host Stand-Up Events
Schedule employee training or other activities during Stand Up Week. Use the list at right for daily topic ideas and the Learn More button below for additional resources

Step 3: Recognize your Participation
Tell us about your stand-up and receive a "Certificate of Participation" for one (1) hour of training or hazard identification.

Health & Safety -- Follow the CDC guidelines as well as state/local public health guidelines when organizing training and in-house Kick Off sessions.

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