NGFA’s third annual Harvest Safety Week is August 23-27 with the theme Transforming Harvest Safety.
On each day of Harvest Safety Week, NGFA will offer safety resources related to one specific harvest safety topic plus new content.
This year's topics:
Monday 8/23: Transforming workplace safety culture
Tuesday 8/24: Dryer operations
Wednesday 8/25: Critical pieces of equipment
Thursday 8/26: Struck by
Friday 8/27: Harvest bin prep
Harvest Safety Week is an opportunity to recommit to employee safety. Use NGFA’s safety materials and share them as far and wide as possible, including with farmer-customers.
NGFA has videos, Safety Tips Sheets, webinars and other materials applicable to both commercial and farm facilities on its safety page.
Follow #harvestsafetyweek on social media for more.