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USGC showcases 2024/2025 corn crop quality to global buyers

International promotional campaign to highlight exceptional US corn harvest data.

2024 2025 Corn Harvest Quality Report Cover
U.S. Grains Council

The U.S. Grains Council (USGC) has initiated a series of global promotional events to present findings from its 2024/2025 Corn Harvest Quality Report, released last month. These programs, scheduled throughout January, aim to inform international buyers and end-users about the outstanding quality of the latest U.S. corn crop.

Key highlights of the report and promotional campaign include:

  1. Global reach: In-person and virtual events are being held across major markets including India, Japan, Korea, Latin America, Mexico, Southeast Asia, and Taiwan.

  2. Record-breaking yield: Favorable growing conditions contributed to the highest projected average yield on record, coupled with good grain quality.

  3. Superior grade: 89.2% of samples met U.S. No. 1 grade requirements, with 96.2% meeting U.S. No. 2 grade standards.

  4. Exceptional characteristics: The 2024 crop showed higher test weight, lower broken corn and foreign material (BCFM), lower total damage, and lower moisture compared to five-year averages.

  5. Historic kernel quality: The crop boasted the highest 100-kernel weight in the report's history and tied for the highest kernel volume.

USGC Chairwoman Verity Ulibarri emphasized the importance of transparency in international trade relations, stating, "This report provides clear and honest data to international buyers to highlight the quality of U.S. corn and how it can make a difference to end-users everywhere."

The promotional events serve a dual purpose: showcasing the exceptional quality of U.S. corn and reinforcing the Council's commitment to facilitating international trade. "These rollout events communicate to buyers that they can trust U.S. producers and the Council is a reliable partner to facilitate trade in international markets," Ulibarri added.

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