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Oakley Acquires Illinois Grain Terminal

Former American Milling facility has six truck dumps, two barge berths, and two 60,000 bushel/hour conveyor belts

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Bruce Oakley Inc., based in North Little Rock, AR, has acquired American Milling's grain terminal facility in Cahokia, IL.

Oakley is a commodity trading, distribution, and transportation company.

Oakley plans to operate the terminal in partnership with Oakley St. Louis (formerly Lange-Stegmann), as the Oakley STL Grain Terminal.

The terminal has six truck dumps, two barge berths, and two 60,000 bushel/hour conveyor belts.

Oakley plans for it to be operational within the first quarter of 2021.

the Cahokia, Illinois, US-based grain terminal of American Milling, LP

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