Scoular has formalized its role as the primary grain and logistics supplier for Mid America Agri Products/Wheatland's (MAAPW) ethanol plant in Madrid, southwestern Nebraska. This strategic partnership capitalizes on Scoular's robust origination network in western Nebraska, including grain elevators near the ethanol facility.
Key aspects of the partnership include:
Supply Chain Optimization: Scoular's extensive producer and commercial relationships in the region will support MAAPW's grain supply needs.
Production Scale: The Madrid ethanol plant processes 16.5 million bushels of corn annually, producing 48 million gallons of ethanol, along with distillers' grains and corn oil.
Strategic Alignment: The collaboration supports MAAPW's mission to drive sustainable innovation in agriculture and renewable energy.
Future Focus: MAAPW CEO Prestin Read highlighted the partnership's role in supporting the company's strategy to integrate carbon sequestration technology.
Prestin Read, MAAPW CEO, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, "We are excited to collaborate with Scoular, whose expertise and robust network align with our mission to drive sustainable innovation in agriculture and renewable energy. This partnership not only ensures a reliable grain supply for our ethanol production but also strengthens our broader strategy of integrating cutting-edge carbon sequestration technology into our operations."
Phil Van Court, Scoular Vice President and General Manager, emphasized the mutual benefits of the arrangement: "We are privileged to have the opportunity to help MAAPW optimize their supply chain and connect their demand with area producers. We look forward to this partnership and appreciate the opportunity to provide value-added services."