An intense truck fire killed a dog on Dodson Road south of Grant County, Washington, Monday morning, according to a report on At about 10:30, fire officials say a feed truck at Ardell Feed Lot caught fire sending up a plume of smoke that could be seen for miles.
"The driver engaged the feed system on the back of the truck, and it blew a hydraulic hose or something," says Grant County Fire District 5 Battalion Chief Rick Wentworth. "He didn't even get started. It burst into flames. He just had fire coming out on both sides of the truck."
The driver of the vehicle said he tried using an onboard extinguisher to put out the fire but it did nothing. Fire officials say the intense flames engulfed the cab rapidly, preventing the driver from being able to get a puppy out of the cab.
While the truck is a total loss, no one else was hurt and nothing else burned.