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Soybean Plant, Grain Aggregration Center Coming to Missouri

Plant would cater toward higher-end, specialty crops geared toward niche markets

Plantation 330239 960 7201

An U.S.-based international holdings company has set its sights on southeast Missouri for a new agricultural plant.

Palindromes Inc. has plans to build a soybean processing plant and grain aggregation center at the Pemiscot County Port Authority in Caruthersville, MO.

The plant would cater toward the higher-end, specialty crops that are geared toward a niche market.

The southeast Missouri port is the “perfect fit” for the new plant, according to Palindromes CEO, Karla Klingner. Palindromes had a set search criteria in selecting the site that included having adequate flood protection and access to river, rail, and roads.

Klingner said that once the facility is fully operation their goal is to have 100 workers.

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