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Be Aware of Grain Quality During This Harvest

During this challenging harvest, elevators should be upfront about standards and what loads will be rejected

Grain elevator top

This harvest season has been a challenge, reports the Wisconsin State Farmer.

With the current forecast showing a stretch of dry weather to hopefully speed up harvest across Wisconsin, the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) reminds elevators to closely evaluate the quality of grain this fall.

According to the DATCP news release, elevators should closely evaluate incoming grain and be upfront about their standards and what loads will be rejected. Elevators should have clear procedures in place for testing, according to DATCP. If there are questions about grain quality between the farmer and the elevator, a third party test may be necessary.

DATCP recommends that elevators understand requirements for storing grain.

For information about temporary or emergency storage, how to increase license storage capacity, or to find a state-licensed grain warehouse visit

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