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Crushing Plants Provide Local Outlets

Helps producers with local consumption, improving local soybean basis, which will encourage more local soybean production

Soybean pile

Ag Processing Inc. (AGP) opened a 60 million bushel/year soybean crushing plant in Aberdeen, SD, and CHS Inc. announced it is expanding its Fairmont, MN facility.

According to a report at, the opening of the Aberdeen plant came at a great time for both AGP and U.S. farmers.

Typically, a new soybean crushing plant must muscle its way into the local market but with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimating June 1 soybean stocks for South Dakota at 140 million bushels or 60% higher than the previous record high year, the July opening provided farmers with much needed consumption to clear out bin space and enabled the new soybean crusher to purchase very affordable soybeans.

The soybean crushing plant is providing local consumption that is improving the local soybean basis, which will encourage more local soybean production. Likewise, the availability of local soybean meal will lower the cost of animal feed and encourage more animal production.

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