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DuPont Pioneer, Perdue AgriBusiness Announce Expansion

Of 2018 high oleic soybean contracting program

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DuPont Pioneer and Perdue AgriBusiness announced plans to increase acreage of Pioneer® brand Plenish® high oleic soybeans in Mid-Atlantic regions including Maryland, Delaware, southeast Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey and western Virginia for 2018 production.

Even more farmers will have the opportunity to produce Pioneer brand Plenish high oleic soybeans under contract and be eligible for a grain premium. Participating growers will be able to deliver grain to a participating elevator or directly to designated Perdue facilities for processing.

“Thanks to an expanding market for this improved soybean oil, Perdue is offering more contracted production acres for 2018,” said Gary Cordier, vice president, domestic soy sales for Perdue. “Plenish high oleic soybeans offer the right combination of higher yield and profit potential for growers and more healthful, functionally superior oil for our food industry.”

Soybean growers who contract to grow Pioneer brand Plenish high oleic soybeans in the 2018 growing season will receive a 50 cent/bushel incentive for producing and storing the beans or a 40 cent/bushel premium for a harvest delivery contract.

“Since we started working with Perdue in 2013, grower interest in Pioneer brand Plenish high oleic soybeans has been exceptional,” said Cynthia Ericson, DuPont Pioneer area lead. “The varieties we offer for contracting provide the defensive characteristics and high yield potential that area growers need to significantly improve income per acre.”

The development and commercialization of Plenish high oleic soybeans illustrates how biotechnology can provide direct benefits to the food industry, consumers and growers.

Plenish high oleic soybean oil provides companies and foodservice operators a sustainable, U.S.-grown, soy-based trans-fat alternative with 0 grams transfat per serving and 20 percent less saturated fat than commodity soybean oil. The improved fatty acid profile provides the highest oxidative stability level of any commercially produced soybean oil. Additionally, this enhanced stability means longer fry life in restaurant applications and less polymerized oil buildup on equipment, which reduces cleaning costs.

The oil’s stability extends the shelf life for packaged food products without sacrificing flavor and eliminates the need for artificial preservatives, creating the opportunity for a cleaner ingredient label.

Plenish oil’s exceptional stability also allows it to be utilized by the chemical industry as a renewable, environmentally-friendly alternative to petroleum-based products.

Pioneer brand Plenish high oleic soybean varieties are being developed with elite genetics using Pioneer’s Accelerated Yield Technology (AYT) 4.0. Multiple years of local testing has confirmed yields are on par with similar elite commercial soybean varieties.

Traits included in Plenish high oleic soybean products have received regulatory approvals in nearly all key U.S. soybean export markets and approvals are pending in remaining export markets. For more information on Plenish high oleic soybeans, visit

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