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FMCSA Extends Emergency HOS Waiver for Feed, Fuel

Waiver forbids motor carriers from asking truckers to haul loads when they say they are tired

Truck driver VIA PIXABAY Feb 2021

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has extended, through May 31, its waiver on hours-of-service (HOS) requirements for trucks transporting feed and ethanol.

FMCSA cautions the waiver may end sooner if conditions warrant.

Originally issued in 2020 to help address the national COVID-19 emergency, the current waiver still exempts property-carrying vehicles from FMCSA-mandated maximum driving times.

Like previous iterations, the waiver forbids motor carriers from asking truckers to haul loads when they say they are tired.

The waiver does not cover routine commercial deliveries, including mixed loads, with nominal amounts of waiver-qualifying materials.

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