Registration is now open for four online courses from the Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) and Kansas State University Distance Education Program in August. These online courses run from Aug. 4 through Sept. 8 and registration closes July 29.
GEAPS 500: Introduction to Grain Handling Operations
This course is a great way to get a new hire and non-operations staff up to speed on the industry. Participants will learn about different types of elevators and how grain moves through a facility. The course covers the most common hazards at facilities and emphasizes safety in all operations.
GEAPS 501: Management Basics for Grain Facility Supervisors
Managing grain facilities is a complex job with many responsibilities. New and upcoming supervisors can learn the main duties, responsibilities and expectations of grain operations managers over 11 lectures. This course provides a broad overview of policies, safety management, basic accounting, inventory management and more.
GEAPS 542: Electrical Safety for Grain and Processing Facilities
This course will help keep your team safe by explaining electrical safety and how it relates to fires and explosions in facilities. Participants will learn how to do an audit at their facility and hire qualified electrical contractors.
GEAPS 550: Materials Handling I
The properties of the commodities at your facility affect everything from facility design to types of equipment you need. GEAPS 550 is the first of a three-part series that examines the properties of different materials. It will teach you how to select the right types of bins, spouting and screw conveyors for your facility.
Complete courses online at any pace over five weeks. Each course takes approximately 10 hours to complete and all four courses count towards credentials from GEAPS and Kanas State University. For more information on how the certification can benefit your career or improve the skills of your team, visit the credential website.
Courses cost $700 for GEAPS members and $965 for non-members. For more information about the courses or the GEAPS/K-State Distance Education Program, visit the GEAPS website, contact Melissa Ferguson or call (763) 999-4300.