When you come to GEAPS Exchange in Columbus Ohio you’ll benefit from around 30 hours of education, get a front row seat to innovation and be able network to your heart’s content — but there is still time to have a good time.
These events are sold separately and a limited number of tickets are available, so make sure to sign up for the fun. You must register for Exchange in order to attend the social events.
Get Acquainted Party
Kick off your fun during the Aug-tober Fest-themed Get Acquainted Party! Celebrate the German culture of Ohio when you’re seemingly transported to a quaint German town to enjoy a reunion with GEAPS friends and colleagues.
Proudly proclaim “I made it myself!” after you head to the Swag Bar to personally screen print a customized GEAPS T-shirt to commemorate GEAPS Exchange.
Enjoy the sounds of a four-piece German acoustic band, move along to the beat if you’re so inclined.
Don’t miss this German fest with great food and drink and merriment. What better way to network with key industry professionals and make new friends. Admission includes two drink tickets and food.
President's Reception
If we must say farewell, let’s do it over a double scoop of something sweet from Columbus’ own Jeni’s Ice Cream and celebrate Exchange success during the President’s Reception Monday, August 9.
Enjoy delicious food, great conversation and recognition of outstanding industry leaders. Taste the goodness of Jeni’s bicycle ice box and listen to the Whiskey Business duo.
The event will include networking and a short awards ceremony, hors d’oeuvres and drinks. Remember, don’t say goodbye, say “see you soon — in Kansas City!”