NAWG is officially announcing the resignation of former NAWG President and Sharon Springs, KS farmer David Schemm. David has resigned his position to pursue other professional opportunities in his home state of Kansas.
NAWG CEO Chandler Goule made the following statement:
“During his time as President of NAWG, David helped move the wheat industry forward, grew its presence on Capitol Hill, and improved its relationship with the media and other farm organizations.
“As President, Schemm wanted to ensure voices from all wheat farmers were heard, so he made monthly visits to wheat states to get a better understanding of what is and isn’t working for growers.
“Schemm constantly worked to get NAWG’s priorities and messaging out by participating in weekly interviews, testifying on behalf of the organization to Congress, and took every opportunity to talk to Members and Agency officials on the importance of reauthorizing the Farm Bill.
“While David will be missed, I know he will continue to do important things for the state of Kansas.
“David’s leadership will have a lasting impact on the organization and we wish his family and him all the best.
“NAWG’s Past President and Montana farmer Gordon Stoner has been chosen to assume duties and role of the President until the next officer election at the 2018 Commodity Classic.”