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Illinois Feed Mill to Celebrate Grand Opening

The Equity Feed Mill will produce 450,000 tons/year of swine feed


The Equity, Chrisman, IL, is hosting an open house for its new state-of-the-art Horace feed mill next Wednesday from noon – 3 p.m.

The mill started construction in 2016 and began operation in February 2018. It's designed to produce up to 450,000 tons/year of complete swine feeds, which will feed 1.35 million market pigs annually.

The mill will add demand for 6.4 million bushels of local corn and 2.7 million bushels of soybeans.

The Equity offers a broad range of products to fulfill their customers’ needs including: agronomy, grain services, feed and livestock, energy and a Hardware Do It Center.

For more information, visit

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