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AFIA and FAMI-QS Renew Strategic Agreement

Program supports U.S. animal food manufacturers in conforming to international safety and quality standards


The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and FAMI-QS, the Quality and Safety System for Specialty Feed Ingredients, renewed the strategic agreement of cooperation for the development of specific certification programmes for the expansion of the FAMI-QS Code in the U.S. animal food manufacturing industry.

“International trade of feed and pet food products takes place in a complex, legal business environment," said the members of the groups. “Third-party certifications like the International Safe Feed/Safe Food certification program is becoming an important tool in supporting U.S. animal manufacturers gain access to and comply with regulations in the global marketplace.”

In 2010, AFIA and FAMI-QS established the International Safe Feed/Safe Food (I-SFSF) Program to support U.S. animal food manufacturers in conforming to international safety and quality standards, particularly the stringent EU regulations for hazard analysis and critical control points. Today, over 30 manufacturing facilities hold this certification

The agreement continues the AFIA and FAMI-QS partnership. For more information on the program, visit

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