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Roskamp Champion Produces 500th Flaking Mill

Sold in over 25 countries

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Roskamp Champion is proud to have produced its 500th SP3200 Flaking Mill. The company celebrated the milestone with a gathering of 100 current employees and retirees.

Roskamp Champion has been offering the 32-inch diameter SP3200 Flaking Mill since 1999. The 500th was built in Waterloo, Iowa, in November. The SP3200 Flaking Mill has become the standard in the oilseed industry and has been sold in over 25 countries around the world, including the U.S., Russia, Argentina, Brazil, China, Thailand, and Algeria. The mills are built to be energy efficient with the lowest operating-cost in the industry. Multiple doors make cleaning and maintenance easy, and the ease of operation ensures processing never stops. Almost every SP3200 produced by Roskamp Champion remains in around-the-clock operation today, a testament to its robust design—It Just Runs.

Ryan Dietzenbach, Roskamp Champion Sales Manager, said everyone at the Waterloo factory had a hand in constructing this milestone machine.

“We build the highest-capacity and best-supported flaking mill in the world,” said Dietzenbach. “Every mill we design, manufacture and sell is a team effort. Without the efforts of our team members around the world, we wouldn’t have had this level of success.”

CPM acquired Roskamp Roller Mill Company and Champion Hammermills in the 1980s and has been making world-class flaking mills ever since. The company’s global reach has made them the world’s leading supplier of oilseed processing equipment.

“It’s an honor to be a part of a company that designs the equipment that processes so many kinds of food and other materials around the world,” said Dietzenbach. “Manufacturing over 500 flaking mills in just 18 years is really a testament to how solid our equipment is, and how much processors trust us to provide reliable equipment.”

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