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NCI Hosting Course on Grain Procurement

30 participants from over 20 countries to attend

NCI grain procurement

The Northern Crops Institute (NCI) is hosting 30 professionals from around the globe, in hopes to increase the amount of U.S. grown wheat that is exported.

The Grain Procurement Management for Importers Course is an eight-day workshop running from September 9-18. The course will start in Fargo, ND, but will make stops in both Duluth and Minneapolis, MN.

The course will help participants understand how the U.S. grain handling system functions, and how to successfully purchase high quality grains from the U.S.

Participants will focus on activities such as:

  • Electronic trading game exercises at NDSU’s Barry Hall
  • Tour of a farm, country elevator, and export grain terminal
  • Meetings with professionals in the grain trading industry
  • Lectures with world class experts on U.S. grains

For more information on this course or Northern Crops Institute, visit

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