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U.S. Corn Belt Worries About Crop Maturity

Percentage of corn that has dented in four states still struggling with impact of rain and flooding

Wet field

The low numbers jump off the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Crop Progress report looking like test scores a student would hide from his parents: 53, 58, 59, 59.

For the corn industry, though, they are important, must-see figures. They’re the numbers for the percentage of corn that has dented in four states still struggling with the impact of rain and flooding during the 2019 season.

The states – Michigan (53%), North Dakota (58%), North Carolina (59%), and Wisconsin (59%) – are struggling as the growing season winds down. They’re also far off the average pace for this time of year.

For comparison, the five-year average for each of those states in terms of corn dented by this date is Michigan (82%), North Dakota (91%), North Carolina (89%) and Wisconsin (84%). Overall, corn dented for the USDA’s 18 key corn-producing states this year is 79%, well below the five-year average of 94%.

For the full report, visit AccuWeather.

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