After a hectic and wonderful holiday season, here we are, charging into the New Year, filled with its as-yet unknown challenges and rewards.
Writing this in late November, I know I’ll have some anxious moments finalizing our 2018 business results and will look back at things we did well, things we missed, a few out-of-the-park hits and a few, “Oh, wow. Why did we do THAT?” moments. And I know my family – and my work family – will make time to enjoy the holidays.
Then comes January. Budgets are set, goals established, Key Performance Indicators are on the dashboard, and 2019 is underway.
It makes me think of a scene in the movie “Dave.” Kevin Kline plays Dave Kovic, a temp agency owner who happens to be a look-alike for POTUS. When POTUS is ... incapacitated ... a few characters in the administration push Dave to take over for a while, pulling Dave’s strings so they can run the country.
In one scene, Dave is acting as the president, addressing reporters. His puppeteers are telling him to get off the balcony of the White House and away from the press, urging him to get away from the crowd by saying “Go! Go! Go!”
Dave had dutifully been repeating what the bad guys were telling him to say. So, confused, he turns to the reporters and says “Go! Go! Go!”
That scene pops into my head every January. Yes, we had a great couple of weeks to step back with friends and family. Yes, I did focus on things that we did well at work and made sure to thank everyone I work with.
In particular, many thanks to all of you for investing your time in absorbing the content we create and to our customers for supporting our efforts and serving our audience.
I know 2019 holds a lot of promises. Around here, we are particularly excited about our LIVE conference that opens on Jan. 8. Please take a look at Our team has put together a great networking and educational opportunity to start your year. We know you’ll leave with hands-on information to apply to your business.
The New Year is here! Opportunities await! As Dave Kovic says, lets Go! Go! Go! ■