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USDA: Corn, Soybeans Hold Steady

USDA releases its Crop Progress Report for week ending July 10


The Crop Progress Report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service was released Monday, July 11, for the week ending July 10.

Corn and soybean conditions seemed to have hit a plateau in 18 selected states, with Iowa's crops looking to be in the best shape among top producers.

AgWeek notes that overall, soybeans were 52% good and 10% excellent. Minnesota saw 5% of its soybeans drop from good to fair but the state was still ahead of the national figures.

For corn, North Dakota saw a big jump in silking, which was at 10%, putting it ahead of Minnesota, South Dakota and even Iowa. Overall, corn was at 52% good, 12% excellent.

Read the full USDA report for July 11.

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