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Corn State Leaders Learn to Talk Trade

USGC, NCGA teach skills needed to advocate

Trade school

Nearly 50 corn state leaders convened in St. Louis, MO, last week to arm themselves with the knowledge and skills needed to advocate for trade.

A mixture of tenured trade champions, farmers newly engaged on trade issues and state corn organization staff attended the 2018 “trade school,” conducted by the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) and the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA).

“Our goal with this event was to provide farmers involved in their association and checkoff activities with the information they need to track trade developments and the confidence to engage deeply on trade-related issues,” says Melissa Kessler, USGC director of strategic relations, who helped organize the event. “Coming together as a corn community to talk specifics about trade helps create informed advocates and hone the critical voices we need today on export policies.”

The event in St. Louis is part of an ongoing effort by the USGC and partner organizations to offer resources and training to members of the grain value chain. Other pieces of this work have included trade school webinars hosted with NCGA and outreach at USGC meetings, making information available to member organizations and offering tools for trade diplomacy online here.

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