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Best Practices for Your FSMA-Required Written Food Safety Plan

Feed & Grain LIVE conference and trade show will be held May 31 – June 2, 2017

To comply with the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act, feed companies must establish and implement a written food safety plan. To help make this task easier, Feed & Grain LIVE conference and trade show is offering a “Best Practices for Preparing a Written Food Safety Plan” session.

“To help the industry handle this important FSMA requirement, we’ve pulled together a panel of experts who will present their best practices,” reports Feed & Grain editor Elise Schafer. “They’ll explain the key steps feed manufacturers should take to create their written plan.”

The panel includes Gerardo Morantes, Food Safety Specialist with Bühler, Inc., who will moderate the presentation. Confirmed speakers are David Fairfield Senior Vice President of Feed Services, NGFA and Dr. Kim Koch, Northern Crops Institute, “and we have invitations out to a couple of others who also will share what they’re doing to assist feed manufacturers with their written food safety plans. The presentations will be followed by Q&A with the audience,” Schafer adds.

Some of the key aspects include hazard analysis, where the company must consider known or reasonably foreseeable biological, chemical, and physical hazards, plus preventive controls, and oversight and management of the preventive controls. “It can be a complex process and our panel will provide the conference attendees with a lot of clarity and support,” she says.

Feed & Grain LIVE conference and trade show will be held May 31 – June 2, 2017, at Prairie Meadows Hotel in Altoona, Iowa. In addition to the FSMA panel, the event offers several other educational sessions, including:

  • How the Trump administration will impact industry regulations
  • Advances in pelleting technology
  • Managing the “daily crises” of customer service miscues
  • Grain merchandising and emerging market opportunities
  • Finding, developing and keeping talented people in your business
  • A limited-attendance workshop on mycotoxin testing

Register for the event at: Regular registration is $260. Register before the end of April to save $100; attend the workshop, conference and tradeshow for $160.

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