The Cottage Grove, WI, Landmark Cenex®-branded convenience store is back. Visitors will notice a brand new canopy, a fresh look at the pumps and the bold red-and-white Cenex image throughout.
To celebrate the new and improved store and thank valued customers for their patience, the Landmark Cenex® team invites all customers to attend the grand re-opening at 207 W. Cottage Grove Rd. in Cottage Grove, WI, on October 11-13.
The grand re-opening event will kick-off with a ribbon cutting by the Cottage Grove Chamber of Commerce on October 11 at 2 p.m. The event will include the opportunity to sign up for our new rewards card, several in-store specials, drawings for prizes including Badger football tickets, gift cards and a Yeti cooler.
Free lunch will be served on Thursday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Customers are encouraged to stop by, enter for a chance to win prizes and visit with manager, Jarod Leeder.
“We’re so excited to welcome our customers to see what’s new and have some fun while they’re at it,” comments Leeder, “This event is only the beginning. We’re looking forward to providing a valuable service to our community, starting with this grand re-opening and continuing all-year-round.”
Like all Cenex stores, the Landmark Cottage Grove store is locally owned and operated.