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Grain Co-op Celebrates 100 Years

Despite mergers and consolidations, North Dakota's Beach Cooperative Grain Co. is still going strong

Photo: Beach Cooperative Grain Co.
Photo: Beach Cooperative Grain Co.

Once, 20 to 25 grain elevators operated across the southwest North Dakota and southeast Montana area served by Beach Cooperative Grain Co., reports AgWeek.

The Beach co-op is celebrating its 100th anniversary this fall and continues to position itself for the future, in part through what co-op officials describe as a state-of-the-art pulse plant.

Beach Cooperative is a rarity: it's still an independent co-op in an era in which the number of independents has dwindled. It has about 1,200 patrons and 12 employees in Beach and two at another location in Baker, MT, as well as seasonal employees.

Though the Beach co-op works with a number of larger grain companies, it's not affiliated with any of them.

Read the full report here.

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