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Agricultural Haulers Get Waiver from HOS Rules

Compliance date moved to June 18

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced last week that it has issued a 90-day waiver from hours-of-service regulations for agricultural haulers according a report at the Grand Island Independent.

Sen. Deb Fischer, R-Neb., facilitated a meeting last month between several Nebraska agriculture representatives and the deputy FMCSA administrator, Cathy Gautreaux. Fischer said the waiver will provide the agency with more time to release guidance on the hours of service regulations as they relate to agriculture.

“Nebraskans in agriculture want more flexibility when it comes to these regulations,” Fischer said. “By issuing this waiver, the agency will have more time to release important guidance for agriculture commodity and livestock haulers.”

This delays the compliance date until June 18 for drivers hauling agricultural products.

Read the full report at the Grand Island Independent by clicking here.

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