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Striking Truckers Disrupt Brazil's Exports

Some soy crushers resume operations as protest continues

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Striking truckers in Brazil have disrupted supplies and exports from one of the world’s agricultural powerhouses, but the 10-day-long protests are winding down and companies from meatpackers to soy crushers are resuming operations, reports Reuters.

Soybean exporters mulled declaring force majeure on shipments, a contractual clause that releases them from obligations because of events beyond their control, according to Anec, a trade group representing grains exporters such Archer Daniels Midland Co, Louis Dreyfus Company and Cofco International.

Ships were anchored off Santos waiting for grain to arrive at the port so they could load it for export.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has forecast that Brazil will export around 72 million tonnes of soybeans this year.

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