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Ag Container Capacity Expanding at Prince Rupert in Canada

Port officials met with grain industry officials in Winnipeg this fall

When it comes to exporting western Canadian grain the Port of Vancouver stands out, but the Port of Prince Rupert, almost 1,500 km to the north, has lots to offer too.

The Manitoba Co-operator reports that’s the message Prince Rupert officials delivered at a reception with grain trade and Manitoba government representatives in Winnipeg in September.

Prince Rupert has the capacity to export 6.5 million tonnes of bulk grain annually, says data from the Western Grain Elevator Association (WGEA), and typically exports between five million and six million.

Vancouver, Thunder Bay and direct rail to the export terminals in the lower St. Lawrence can do 35 million, 13.9 million, and 8.6 million tonnes a year, respectively.

G3 is also building a new state-of-the-art grain terminal in Vancouver which is expected to add an extra six million to eight million more tonnes of export capacity.

Read the full report here.

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