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Report Released on COVID-19 Effects on Trucking

Provides recommendations, guidance on future strategies in event of another national disaster

The American Trucking Research Institute and the Owner-Operator Independent Driver Association Foundation (OOIDA) jointly released a report on the effects of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on all trucking operations.

Based on an April survey of ATRI and OOIDA membership, the report provides recommendations and guidance on future strategies in the event of another national disaster.

Some of the report’s key findings include the following:

  1. A significant decline in long haul trips, resulting from a decrease in container imports at ports
  2. More than doubling of local trips under 100 miles
  3. Increased difficulty for large fleets and owner-operators in finding truck parking
  4. Negative impacts on almost 70% of specialized and tank truck operations, with small fleets feeling the effects more than large fleets (e.g., much worse detention delays for small fleets than for large fleets)

Information provided by USDA Grain Transportation Report

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