The roads leading to the Dakota Spirit Ag Energy ethanol plant are lined with uncombined corn. In some places, stalks are in standing water about knee-high, reports the Duluth News Tribune.
David Freeman, merchandiser at Dakota Spirit Ag Energy, owned by Midwest Ag Energy, says conditions in the 30 to 40 mile radius from which the plant typically buys corn have been as wet as anyone has seen in at least a decade.
Farther west at Midwest Ag Energy’s Blue Flint Ethanol in Underwood, ND, merchandiser Josh Mardikian says the challenge farmers are facing in getting corn out of the field filters to the ethanol plants.
"When they struggle, we struggle," he says.
Glacial Lakes Energy in Mina, SD, and POET Biorefining in Groton, SD, have kept basis low to try to lure farmers to sell rather than store their corn.
While plants are sensitive to the needs of the farmer, they can only offer so much to make sure they’re not losing money.
Read the full report at the Duluth News Tribune.