Will 2021 be the year to embrace meaningful federal climate policies? President Joe Biden pledged to focus on climate in every federal agency. He’s not alone in wanting to tackle this complex challenge. Major food companies are already making carbon commitments and expecting farmers and supply chains to comply with a focus on sustainable and regenerative practices. How can you get up to speed on what’s likely to happen?
The Agri-Pulse Ag & Food Policy Summit, running virtually March 22-24, provides a great opportunity to learn from a diverse set of panelists on these topics.
House Agriculture Committee Chairman David Scott, D-Ga., House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Glenn Thompson, R-Pa., Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., Senate Agriculture Committee Ranking member John Boozman, and R-Ark. Senator Mike Braun, R-Ind. are all part of the speaker list.
"As a participant, you'll hear from members of Congress, political appointees, food and agricultural leaders from coast to coast, along with industry and academic experts," says Sara Wyant, Agri-Pulse editor and founder. "We are excited to bring together these leaders to discuss the potential for agriculture to play a key role in providing solutions to climate change and the challenges they may face during this debate."
This year's summit will feature three virtual half-day sessions, March 22-24, with the theme: "Climate Risks, Rewards and Uncertainties."
Discussions will focus on research needs, potential costs, carbon payments, federal policy options, proposed regulatory changes and more. Wyant says that the event provides a great way for participants to quickly get up to speed on how farmers, foresters and food companies are engaging in climate policies.
Other speakers include but are not limited to:
- Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture (invited)
- Robert Bonnie, Deputy chief of staff for policy and senior advisor on climate at USDA
- Michael Regan, EPA Administrator nominee (invited)
- Chuck Magro, Nutrien
- Chuck Conner, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
- Zippy Duvall, American Farm Bureau Federation
- PJ Haynie III, National Black Growers Council
- Chris Harbourt, Indigo Carbon
- Tom Worth, Risk Management Agency
- Krysta Harden, U.S. Dairy Export Council
Click here to view the draft program.
Click here to learn more and register for the event.