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Organic Farm Experiencing High Yields for Hard Red Wheat Crop

2021 harvest at Cascade Organic Farms yielding 4 tons/acre

July 2021 Cascade Organic Farms Hard Red Wheat being harvested in Washington State 1

Cascade Organic Farms is wrapping up harvest of several thousand acres of new crop irrigated Organic Hard Red Wheat, and the crop is looking very good, according to Cascade Organic Farms' officials.

In fact, a recent survey by Cascade Organic Farms of its various fields of irrigated organic wheat showed outstanding quality and yields.

Cascade Organic Farms has several thousand acres of certified organic irrigated farmland with rich volcanic soils near the east slopes of the Cascade Mountains, and we grow its wholesome organic wheat and other organic crops (pinto beans, black beans, etc.) with Columbia River water fed by mountain glaciers. Its modern irrigation system(s) on its farms delivers the most efficient amount of water which ensures consistent production and large yields of premium quality organic wheat (and other organic crops).

As a result, its organic farms produce some of the highest quality and premium Organic Hard Red Wheat in the world. Its wheat and flour are produced naturally and are certified organic and non-GMO.

For the 2021-2022 season, Cascade Organic Farms is estimating several thousand tons of new crop organic wheat (beginning in August) from its organic farms. The yields of organic wheat (~4 tons per acre) and our protein levels (ranging from 13% to 16%) are some of the highest in the world.

Additionally, Cascade Organic Farms has modern state-of-the-art shipping and storage facilities and can ship its bin-run organic wheat in bulk hopper bottom trucks or in hopper bottom rail cars, or Cascade can clean its organic wheat and ship it (domestically or internationally) in 2,000 lb. totes or super sacks in trucks, intermodal containers, and rail boxcars.

Furthermore, we have a modern organic flour mill (Cascade Organic Flour) near our organic farm(s) that can produce a variety of organic flours, including organic whole wheat flours, organic sprouted flour, organic rye flour, organic corn flour, etc. as well as various organic sifted flours. Recently, Cascade Organic Flour unveiled and introduced 5 lb. retail bags of Organic Whole Wheat Flour and 5 lb. retail bags of Organic All-Purpose Flour.

Cascade Organic Farms is a family-owned and vertically integrated producer of organic wheat, organic flour, organic dry beans (pinto beans, black beans, etc.), and other organic crops in Washington State.

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