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Registration Open for GEAPS Exchange

Nearly 40 hours of education


Registration is now open for the Grain Elevator and Processing Society’s (GEAPS) 89th International Technical Conference and Exposition, or Exchange, March 25-28, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver Colorado.

GEAPS Exchange 2018 features over 380 exhibitors in the Expo Hall, nearly 40 hours of educational programming and a variety of networking opportunities at special events. Last year, a record 3,589 attendees from 21 countries attended the show. GEAPS offers a variety of registration options for the conference, and online registration is now open.

GEAPS International President Barb Kraft, Landus Cooperative, looks forward to welcoming peers from around the world to Denver.

“Last year we set records for attendance, exhibitors and size of the Expo Hall,” Kraft said. “Over the last three years we have averaged more than 3,300 attendees. Whether or not we set attendance records this year, it’s going to be another great experience for attendees. There is no better place in the grain industry to build your skills, learn about the latest trends, expand your professional network and browse the latest products and services all in one place.”

Expo 2018

After setting records of 438 exhibitors and 270,000 square foot Expo Hall at Exchange 2017, the Expo at Exchange 2018 is on pace to be even bigger. Over 380 exhibitors have already reserved space in the 290,000 square foot Expo Hall, the biggest in GEAPS history. View an interactive floor plan online. Limited booth space is still available, for more information contact the GEAPS sales team.


The educational program opens with the Opening Workshop Sunday, March 25, at 7 a.m. Other learning opportunities include up to 24 hour-long, concurrent education sessions, interactive Pods in the Expo Hall and the Idea Exchange, highlighting new methods and technologies that make the grain industry safer and more efficient.

Attendees with credentials from GEAPS and Kansas State University will have many opportunities to earn continuing education units (CEUs). In all, 20 hour-long sessions will each qualify for one-tenth of a CEU, as well as the Opening Workshop (two-tenths) and Closing Workshop (one-tenth).

To receive CEUs, attendees must sign in at the appropriate sessions and complete an online quiz. The complete educational programming schedule will be released in November.

Exchange 2018 Housing Options

GEAPS has partnered with housing management company Experient to manage room blocks for Exchange 2018. Experient will handle all hotel reservations and inquiries for Exchange 2018. Reservations must be made online through the housing page on the Exchange 2018 website.

The room block cut-off date is Feb. 22, 2018. After this date, room availability will be based on hotel availability and may not be available at the discounted rate. The room block cancellation deadline is Feb. 9, 2018. Any cancellations made after this date will incur a $200 fee per reservation.

Early registration for Exchange 2018 is open until Thursday, Feb. 22, and provides a discount off the on-site registration fee.

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