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GEAPS/K-State Offer Grain Handling & Processing Courses

Registration now open for July online classes

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GEAPS/K-State distance education courses are designed to help improve job skills and make you more valuable to employers by exposing you to issues, standards and best practices from across the industry.

Classes are online and can be completed as your schedule allows.

Courses are $700 for GEAPS members and $965 for non-members.

Registration is now open until July 10.


GEAPS 500: Introduction to Grain Handling Operations
GEAPS 501: Management Basics for Grain Facility Supervisors: Understanding Key Roles and Responsibilities
GEAPS 544: Preventing and Responding to Grain Dust Explosions
GEAPS 550: Materials Handling I

Course Information and Credentials

For more information on any course, including lecture topics and instructors, click on the course name. Some courses provide credit towards the Credential in Grain Operations Management (CGOM), Credential on Grain Processing Management (CGPM) or a specialist credential.

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