2023 Feed Mill of the Future Conference speakers weigh in on the pressing issues shaping the feed industry
The first edition of the Feed Mill of the Future Conference launches at the 2023 International Poultry Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 24, 2023.
The half-day event features feed industry experts sharing their insights on how animal feed producers can optimize various elements of their operations and business to prepare for the future. Spanning five sessions and a panel discussion, the conference, organized by Feed Strategy and Feed & Grain magazines, will explore “How efficiency, innovation and sustainability will shape the feed industry of tomorrow.”
Here’s a preview of the Feed Mill of the Future Conference speakers and some of the topics they believe will become increasingly critical issues in the next decade and how producers can address them:
How to ‘cut kilowatts’ in your feed mill [VIDEO]
Feed industry consultant Wayne Cooper explores ways feed mills can “cut kilowatts” through evaluation of pellet mills and other processes.
Feed mills benefit from alternative energy solutions [VIDEO]
Jeff Haarmann, managing director of independent energy consultancy Affordable Gas & Electric (AGE), discusses solar and other alternative energy solutions that can benefit feed producers now and increasingly so in the future.
LCA data used to reduce environmental impact of feed [VIDEO]
Ryan Lane, president of ADM Animal Nutrition, shares how ADM is navigating the developing framework for analyzing products’ environmental footprints through collaboration with feed industry and other agriculture stakeholder organizations.
To view the entire agenda, visit Feed Mill of the Future Conference.
Feed mill optimization supports sustainable animal ag [VIDEO]
Gero Zimmermann, head of technology – animal nutrition for Bühler, shares how feed millers can achieve operational excellence and contribute to animal agriculture sustainability with new solutions.
New tech shapes the feed industry’s future workforce [VIDEO]
North Carolina State University’s associate feed milling professor Adam Fahrenholz talks about what the future feed mill workforce will look like and what employees need to bring to the table.
Feed software’s rapid response to evolving needs [VIDEO]
Karel Vervaet, a senior product specialist for nutrition at BESTMIX, explains how feed formulation software may increasingly play a role in maintaining quality and profitability.
= Event At-A-Glance =
2023 Feed Mill of the Future Conference
How efficiency, innovation and sustainability
will shape the feed industry of tomorrow
Co-located with IPPE 2023 | Atlanta, GA, USA
January 24, 2023 | 8 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Room B203
Fee: $95 early bird | $125 after Jan. 6, 2023
View the full agenda here: www.feedmillofthefuture.com
How to register: To attend the Feed Mill of the Future Conference, attendees must first register
to attend IPPE. Register today for the lowest ticket price, go to www.ippexpo.org, and visit the “Education Programs” for details.