A. Demolition, Retrofit and New Equipment Installation
- Remove existing reclaim equipment, top transfer drags and distributor, supports, spouting and bridge
- Extend receiving and shipping bucket elevators
- Install two new gate valves and a lined u-trough to existing bulkweigher
- Two new 12,000-bushel/hour transfer drag conveyors from each leg to the new dual inlet distributor
- Install a new “Schlagel” dual inlet, 24-duct, electric distributor
- Install new 24,000-bushel/hour reclaim drag and retrofit gate valves to the bucket
- Install new dust collection baghouse and support structural
B. Structural Supports & Access
- Install a new structural support bent and top transfer drag bridge
- Install new access to the receiving leg and shipping leg extensions
- Install a new electric 500-pound capacity manlift and steel shaftway