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Feed & Grain Turns 50

When Feed, Grain and Farm Equipment published its first issue in 1961, the world was a very different place. John F. Kennedy was in the thick of the Civil Rights movement. Mainframe computer systems took up entire floors of office buildings and held less memory than a common Flash Drive. Instant communication was limited to telephones and telegraphs, and the primary form of written communication was made possible by a 4 cent postage stamp. Due to advancements in technology and medicine, the global population grew to around 3 billion.

Flash forward 50 years. President Barack Obama sits in Kennedy's Oval Office. The population has more than doubled, text messages are preferred to "snail mail" and more than likely your cell phone has replaced your PC. The global propulation has more than doubled and continues to grow.

Time changes a lot, but it doesn't change everything. For example, flipping through the first edition, many of the equipment suppliers are still thriving and much of the equipment, albeit more advanced today, remains the same. And even thought Feed, Grain and Farm Equipment, changed its name, format and content, the magazine's mission has remained the same: To aid companies in improving their operations by providing leading-edge information.

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A special thanks to all who have read and supported Feed & Grain for the last 50 years. Here's to another 50.

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