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Ohio State’s Foltz to Present During Feed and Grain Event

Animal Science department head to present management session during Feed & Grain LIVE 19 in Altoona, IA

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The Ohio State University’s Chair of Animal Sciences, Dr. John Foltz, will lead a key session January 9 and 10 during Feed & Grain LIVE 19, a national convention for feed and grain professionals. Open to owners and employees of feed mills and grain elevators, the event takes place January 8 – 10 in Altoona, IA.

“Becoming a Manager” is the session Foltz will lead. It's designed to give up-and-coming managers a greater understanding of how to transition from being an employee to leading as a supervisor. Foltz will address:

  • Relating to individuals who were once peers are now subordiantes
  • How to translate knowledge gained in a previous role into a supervisory role
  • The value of succession planning

Some in the industry will recognize Foltz as co-athor of “Manager’s Notebook,” a bimonthly column that runs in Feed & Grain magazine.

“This is the third time Dr. Foltz has presented during our event,” says Arlette Sambs, publisher of Feed & Grain, which hosts LIVE 19. “In fact, nearly all of our previous attendees requested that he return. These requests certainly support our theme of ‘Making Connections.’ We’re excited to have him.”

She adds that the session will take place at an good time as opportunities for well-trained managers in the industry are more plentiful than ever before.

Full conference information is LIVE 19 will take place at the Prairie Meadows Resort and Casino, 1 Prairie Meadows Dr., Altoona, IA.

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