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Houle's Feed Mill, Forest Lake, MN, to be Sold

Family is looking for a project to replace mill that would give back to the community

The ownership of Houle's Feed Mill, Forest Lake, MN, is hoping for city action soon on a project proposal that would result in the sale of the 3.2 acre Houle's Feed Mill property, reports the Forest Lake Times.

The business's co-owners entered into a purchase agreement with Gatehouse Capital several months ago.

In addition to the land sale, the business is also in preliminary discussions with a party that would like to purchase both the Forest Lake and Stillwater Houle's mill businesses.

Houle's Feed Mill, known more formally as E.J. Houle, Inc., has been in operation for 102 years.

“It is a family decision. All of the owners are now in their 70s and would like to retire,” Gary Houle explained to the Forest Lake Times. “The only way to retire is to the sell the business."

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