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IPPE TechTalk Provides Answers about Bacteria in Poultry

Solution discovered for problems caused by reduced antibiotics use

What happens to bacteria in poultry once it dies? That was the question asked in DSM Nutritional Products, Inc.’s TechTalk “Novel Muramidase Application and Field Experience in the United States” at IPPE 2020.

Dr. Yun-Ting “Tina” Wang’s presentation went over Peptidoglycans (PGNs), a combination of sugars and amino acids that form the cell wall of most bacteria, that are left behind when bacteria die within an organism. Wang’s research shows that PGNs build up in a chicken’s digestive tract and block the absorption of nutrients. This blockage reduces the weight of the bird and stops it from gaining the full effects of its feed formulation, wasting money on both ends. The build-up of PGNs has increased as the industry moves away from using antibiotics, a trend that is expected to grow in the future.

Market solutions to improve poultry health and nutrition target the living organisms that can affect birds’ health, but DSM and Novozymes collaborated to develop Balancius™ to combat the problem. Balancius™ is a novel microbial muramidase enzyme with no antimicrobial activity, that has been stabilized to survive outside of its natural environment. The enzyme works by breaking up the bond between PGNs and the digestive system wall. Field testing has shown that the enzyme has no effect on the bird’s health and can increase chicken weights by up to 3%.

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