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Sunrise Foods Sues USDA for Blocking Grain

Alleges possible crack-down on imported organic corn

Cargo ship3

A Saskatchewan company has filed suit in U.S. District Court in Sacramento, CA, against the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), alleging improper and inconsistent enforcement of U.S. grain import laws says a report from Inforum.

Sunrise Foods International Inc., based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, was blocked in its effort to off-load cracked corn at Stockton, CA, on March 6. A grain trader for the company said the company would not be interested in commenting on the suit.

The shipment included corn from Kazakhstan, Moldova and Russia, which U.S. organic promoters say are not approved for shipping corn to the U.S. The ship was loaded in Turkey, which is on a European list for suspect organic shipments.

Read the full article here.

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