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Significant Decline in Weekly Barge Tonnages

Grain barge shipments on the locking portion of the Mississippi, Ohio, and Arkansas Rivers experienced 58% drop in grain tonnages

For the week ending on September 15, grain barge shipments on the locking portion of the Mississippi, Ohio, and Arkansas Rivers experienced a significant decrease (58% drop) in grain tonnages, says the Grain Transportation Report.

The total weekly tonnage and down bound grain barges both reached the lowest point since the second week of March this year.

The total weekly grain tonnage was 0.54 million tons, with corn down 55 percent and soybeans down 65 percent from last week, respectively.

The number of down bound grain barges was 357, a 58% drop from the previous week.

While high water conditions have caused some recent barge traffic delays and tonnage declines, there can be a seasonal down turn in movements as the barge industry prepares for the upcoming corn and soybean harvest.

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