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Minnesota Farmers' Syngenta Case Goes to Court

Similar lawsuits being filed across the nation

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Tom Meersman with the Star Tribune reported on the lawsuit being brought against Syngenta by 22,000 Minnesota farmers, that is heading to court this week. The farmers are claiming that Syngenta acted negligently by promoting and selling the seed, Agrisure Viptera before China approved the seed. The farmers, in this case, did not buy are grow the seed but claim the companies actions, which caused China to close its ports to must corn shipments from the United States for three years. According to the lawsuit, those closures helped cause corn prices to plummet, and the farmers to lose $450 million. Early this year a jury awarded farmers in Kansas $218 million in a similar lawsuit. Another case brought against the company earlier this year was dismissed, saying that companies can not be held responsible for the actions of foreign governments.

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