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Biden's Trade Team Features USMCA Linchpins

Biden-Harris Administration looks to protect and implement USMCA


President Joe Biden’s trade team is coming together, and it looks to be stacked with individuals who were key in crafting the U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA), reports AgWeb.

In December, Biden tapped Katherine Tai as the next U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). Tai was the chief trade lawyer who helped with labor provisions in the USMCA. She’s already voiced her support in enforcing the trade pact with Canada and Mexico.

While Tai still needs to be confirmed by the Senate, just this week, Nora Todd was selected as chief of staff for the U.S. Trade Representative’s office. She was a top senate aide who helped push key changes when negotiating USMCA.

As Biden’s trade teams gets to work on trade, Karla Thieman of the The Russell Group, told AgWeb that she thinks a Biden-Harris Administration will work to protect and implement USMCA.

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