Constance Cullman, president and CEO of the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) discusses the upcoming International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) in this episode of Feed & Grain Chat. IPPE 2024 is anticipated to have the largest trade show floor in its history and will welcome key players from the global feed, meat, and poultry industries. Cullman previews a panel discussion she will moderate at IPPE on agriculture trade, featuring Ambassador Doug McKalip and Undersecretary Alexis M. Taylor, and highlights networking opportunities, including the Welcome reception, Taste of IPPE and educational programs.
Transcription of Feed & Grain Chat with Constance Cullman, President and CEO, AFIA:
Elise Schafer, editor, Feed & Grain: Hi everyone and welcome to Feed & Grain Chat. I'm your host, Elise Schafer, editor of Feed & Grain. This edition of Feed & Grain Chat is brought to you by WATT Global Media and is your source for the latest news, product and equipment information for the grain handling and feed manufacturing industries.
Today I'm joined on Zoom by Constance Cullman, president and CEO of the American Feed Industry Association. She's here to highlight some of the exciting education and networking experiences at IPPE 2024. Hi, Constance. How are you?
Constance Cullman, president and CEO, AFIA: Hi Elise. I'm very well. Thank you so much for letting me join you.
Schafer: Absolutely. Now, IPPE has been named one of the 50 fastest growing trade shows in the past and 2024 will be its largest trade show floor in history. So what makes IPPE the show to be at, particularly for the feed industry?
Cullman: It is an exciting show, and we are about sold out on the floor. So that's one of the main reasons, Elise, we have everyone who is anyone in the feed industry, including the meat industry as well as the poultry industry, is going to be at the show in Atlanta. So, we are super excited to welcome people from all across the world. We have a large international contingent and this is the opportunity for people to connect, engage and learn all in one spot. We're very excited about the innovation technology that will be showcased, whether it's in a booth or during a TECHTalk or in an educational seminar. If you want to find out what is current and what's happening in the animal food industry, this is the place to be.
Schafer: Now, on Tuesday, you'll be moderating a panel discussion on agriculture trade with Ambassador Doug McKalip and Undersecretary Alexis M. Taylor. Can you give us a preview of what you'll be discussing with these officials and their impact on feed manufacturers?
Cullman: We're very excited to have both Ambassador McKalip and Undersecretary Taylor join us. They'll be speaking at the Pet Food Conference and walking the trade show floor. So, at the Pet Food Conference, we're going to be discussing our top issues such as removing barriers to trade, expanding our export opportunities and securing our supply chains. More specifically, we're going to discuss how USDA and USTR work together to make some progress in those areas. We will visit about the impact of sustainability goals and initiatives on our trading relationships, and actually that's featured in the brand new Kenya agreement that the US just entered into. So, we're curious how will those sustainability goals outlined and those agreements impact our ability to do business globally and how we're going to navigate some of those different global agendas.
Both Ambassador McKalip and Undersecretary Taylor, as I mentioned, will be walking the trade show floor. We really encourage people if they stopped by your booth, take a few moments talk to them. Tell them about your business and what's happening and the issues that you're facing, and share your interests, thank them for their efforts on our behalf and really giving them a good education about how a global marketplace functions for us and how our products are valued around the world.
Schafer: Relationship building is another top reason why people look forward to IPPE. Are there any networking events that AFA is participating in? And from your perspective, how is IPPE an opportunity to meet members and talk to stakeholders?
Cullman: It is one big networking opportunity at the Georgia World Congress Center. We're excited this year to have a very large international contingent there. As normal, we will be having the International Meat Industry Federation, as well as the International Food Regulators meeting happening there that will allow us to interact with our international colleagues and we also have various delegations from around the world attendee included — a very special one from Vietnam. We have a lot of different receptions and opportunities to chat with buyers and with customers, a welcome reception on Tuesday night. We understand they're going to have something special planned for that welcome reception on Tuesday. Wednesday night there's the Taste of IPPE and you're going to have the opportunity to taste lots of delicious products at that networking opportunity.
But if you want to get into some of the absolute nitty gritty and the details, take advantage of our education sessions. It’s not only a great place to learn, but also a great place to network. We have our Feed Education Program, which is free and that’ll discuss what will affect your business in this upcoming year. We have our Animal Ag Sustainability session where Dr. Frank Mitloehner from UC Davis is going to be there talking about some of the positive conversations that are happening around the world. We have our TECHTalks. We have three of our folks featured on those tech talks, Lara Moody will be discussing sustainability initiatives, Leah Wilkinson will be talking about the elections that’s been on everyone's mind and Louise Calderwood will be talking about label claims for feed ingredients.
We also have your Feed Your ESG program. It will also feature some of our members — IIC (International Ingredient Corp.), Kent and Aviagen, as well as our Contacts Network Partner to talk a little bit about how you can improve, advance or start your sustainability journey.
And then of course, we'll also have an opportunity to talk about what is required for exports with USDA's Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), so lots of education opportunities, but fabulous networking and connecting opportunities.
Schafer: Well, I'm looking forward to it. Constance, thank you so much for your preview today.
Cullman: Thank you, Elise. Look forward to seeing you there.
Schafer: Absolutely. To register online or learn more about IPPE, taking place in Atlanta, January 30- February 1, go to
That’s all for today's Feed & Grain Chat. If you'd like to see more videos like this, subscribe to our YouTube channel. Sign up for the Industry Watch daily eNewsletter or go to and search for videos. Thank you again for watching and we hope to see you next time!