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Wheat Up on More Announcements from Russia

The wheat market is trading higher again this morning with more news out of Russia that it will introduce an export duty. The restrictions of exports has been largely factored into prices so be wary any immediate move higher this morning.

Cody Headshot

Corn and soybeans are trading lower by ½ a cent and 3 cents respectively, while wheat is trading up 3 ¼ cents on more export news out of Russia. A reportable sale of 166,600 metric tons of corn was reported this morning to be delivered to unknown destinations for the 14/15 marketing year.

This is a holiday shortened trade week with Wednesday observing an early close at 12 CST. Thursday the grain markets will be closed for Christmas and Friday the markets open at 8:30 CSTwith a regular close. Volume is expected to be light which can allow for unexpected price movement.

Over the weekend, the Egyptian state grain buyer GASC announced it had bought 300,000 metric tons of wheat from France and Russia. Out of the tender France won a majority of the sale booking 240,000 metric tons of wheat. According to Interfax news agency, Russia is planning on imposing a grain export duty. It is widely believed by the market that Russia is for the most part out of the export scene, but the export duty represents a more formalized trade restriction.

Rains over the weekend continue to help crop development in Argentina and Brazil, giving the market little reason to be concerned about South American production.

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