DirectoryFeed Milling & GrindingMS3000 Medium Shear ExtruderInsta-Pro International Ideal tool for processing shaped products such as pet food and fish feed Perfectly sized for small to medium volume applications Durable design Wide range of pellet size Request More Info Fill out the form below to request more information about MS3000 Medium Shear ExtruderMore From Insta-Pro InternationalMake It or Buy It: Advancing Soybean Processing for Sustainability [White Paper]Explore the benefits of Insta-Pro’s ExPress® process for sustainable, cost-effective animal ingredient production with superior nutrient retention. Sponsored by Insta-Pro International.White Paper: Improved Ingredients for Poultry Formulations with Insta-Pro Equipment & Mechanical ProcessesMade using processes and equipment from Insta-Pro International, learn more about the nutritional benefits of ExPress® soy meal, Hi-Gel™ corn, and ExPress® soy oil in formulating poultry diets. Sponsored by Insta-Pro International.White Paper: Produce More Nutritional Ingredients with Quality EquipmentHigh-shear dry extrusion enhances soymeal quality and efficiency, addressing the soybean industry's need for nutrient-rich components in animal diets. Sponsored by Insta-Pro.White Paper: Produce More Nutritional Ingredients with Quality EquipmentHigh-shear dry extrusion enhances soymeal quality and efficiency, addressing the soybean industry's need for nutrient-rich components in animal diets. Sponsored by Insta-Pro.White Paper: The Unique Feeding Value from the Insta-Pro ExPress® ProcessInsta-Pro examines ExPress® soy oil composition and quality to ensure animal nutrition. Learn more about the mechanically-based ExPress® process as it compares to other common methods. Sponsored by Insta-Pro.White Paper: Promote Oil Stability & Extend Shelf-Life of Soy Meal Up To 12 MoMultiple trials prove it…. You will extend the shelf-life of soy meal and oil up to 12 months, […]White Paper: Promote Oil Stability Up in Soy Meal & Oil with High-Shear Dry ExtrusionMultiple trials prove it…. You will extend the shelf-life of soy meal and oil up to 12 months, […]Model 8800 Oil PressProduction capacity has been more than doubled with reduced footprintAnimals Don't Lie -- Maximize Growth Performance in BroilersBring an additional flock to market and acquire millionsSoybean meal in swine diets optimize production, profitabilityLearn how the benefits of soybean meal in swine diets increase overall health performance, production, and profitability. Sponsored by Insta-Pro.White paper: Improve the quality and consistency of swine diets with ExPressLearn how enhanced soymeal provides more efficient growth in pigs, lowers overall diet costs, and reduces total feed intake while maintaining performance. Sponsored by Insta-Pro International.Improving growth performance in broilersLearn how advancements in animal feed ingredients optimize broiler growth rates. Sponsored by Insta-Pro.