Ann ReusAnn Reus is a senior reporter at WATT Global Media who covers the animal feed and nutrition industries.From the AuthorFeed Mill of the FutureHow AI can optimize feed, grain supply chainsArtificial intelligence can create efficiencies all along the supply chain, including feed ordering and delivery, transportation and logistics, and transparency.Feed Mill ManagementUniversity Feed Mill Brings Technology into 21st CenturyThe Feed Technology Center at University of Illinois is fully automated and features all new equipment and softwareAnimal Feed ManufacturingPurina Animal Nutrition to Close Iowa Plant‘Dynamic feed manufacturing changes and capabilities’ cited as reason for closureAnimal Feed ManufacturingFeed Industry Optimistic About 2022 Despite ChallengesThe North American animal feed industry faces many headwinds, but experts think feed production will see strong demand this yearPage 1 of 1