Chino Valley Ranchers' It Starts With Our Feed video offers a glimpse into a commitment spanning 25 years, raising poultry fed with premium organic corn, soybean, alfalfa, flax seed, and other select seeds.
Based in Colton, CA, Chino Valley Ranchers' three specialties of eggs: organic, organic Omega-3, and Omega-3 soy-free are produced by poultry raised on specially-formulated feeds that have been designed and optimized by a staff Avian Nutritionist.
Organic, non-GMO grain is sourced domestically, throughout the Midwest, and globally.
Varieties of feed are formulated and milled on-site, giving Chino Valley Ranchers the ability to maintain their eggs' high quality and unique nutritional properties.
Feed formulations do not contain hormones, animal proteins, steroids, or antibiotics.
View the video here.